
ToR – Design, develop, and deliver capacity-building training

Mekong Institute

ตำแหน่งงาน : ToR – Design, develop, and deliver capacity-building training for the staff of Mekong Institute 
ช่วงเวลาประกาศ : Mar 4 – 15, 2024
ประเภทงาน : งานที่ปรึกษา
ติดต่อ : procurement@mekonginstitute.org 

รายละเอียด :

Consultancy Service Design, develop, and deliver capacity-building training for the staff of Mekong Institute
Project Name Capacity Building of Mekong Institute for Enhanced Secretarial Support and Development in the Mekong Region
Contract Type Consultancy Firm/Group of Consultants
Contract Category Special Services Agreement (SSA)
Duration 3 months (April-June 2024)
Duty Station Home-based (design and development of the training)

Khon Kaen, Thailand (delivery of the training)


  1. Background

Mekong Institute (MI) is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote cooperation and development in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) through capacity building, research, and advocacy. Working with a wide range of partners, MI is focused on addressing transboundary challenges and opportunities in areas such as trade, agriculture, energy, environment, and public health. It serves as a platform for regional cooperation and integration, providing technical assistance, advisory services, and promoting dialogue to support sustainable socioeconomic progress and poverty alleviation in the region, in line with the GMS Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030, the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

On February 2, 2024, MI signed an MoU with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Thailand, designating MI to assume the role of back-office support of an interim secretariat for the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), a cooperation framework among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam with the aim to utilize member countries’ diverse strengths and promote balanced development in the subregion. The secretariat will be part of the Mekong Cooperation Unit (MCU), under MFA, Thailand, where MI will provide its technical support for the next three years. In preparation for MI to assume the role,  it is imperative for MI to enhance its knowledge and expertise in several areas, such as policy, planning, and coordination, communication strategy, and reporting skills.

  1. Rationale of the Work

Staff members’ knowledge, skills, and abilities are crucial to ensure quality support and service delivery in any organization. Technical knowledge and skills always need to be up to date with current theories and best practices to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Furthermore, the work of a regional development and cooperation framework is highly complex and evolving, considering new challenges, emerging trends, and wide-ranging stakeholders. Hence, human resources require continuous capacity-building. Through a 10-day training, it is expected that MI will be equipped with knowledge and skills required to carry out the task of providing support to the ACMECS Interim Secretariat (AIS) across various areas.

  1. Objective:

The objective of this assignment is to hire a consultancy firm or a group of consultants (at least two persons) that can provide training on the following modules to MI staff:

  • Module 1: Policy Formulation, Strategic Planning, and Coordination
  • Module 2: Communication Strategy
  • Module 3: Proposal and Report Writing Skill.
  1. Duration and Participants of the Training

The training will be a total of 10 days long, which will be split into two phases. The first phase of the training will cover modules one and two and will be organized in May 2024, while the 2nd phase will cover module three and will be organized in June 2024.

All the staff, from the Assistant to the Director levels of MI, are expected to participate in the training.  Hence, the training contents should be flexible enough for the wide range of participants.

  1. Scope of Work

The consultancy firm will be expected to:

  • Conduct a training needs assessment to identify the gaps and challenges faced by the staff of the MI in the above-mentioned areas.
  • Design and develop a customized training curriculum and materials based on the results of the training needs assessment and the best practices in the field.
  • Create training materials such as presentations, exercises, pre-and post-test questionnaires, and interactive content.
  • Deliver the training sessions using interactive and participatory methods, such as case studies, group exercises, role plays, simulations, etc.
  • Review and develop MI training report template.
  • Provide a draft guideline and procedure for internal protocol and communication in MI.
  • Review and recommend MI Annual Report in effective design and template.
  • Review and update MI Semi-annual and Annual Performance report template, focusing on result-based management.
  • Review and update Proposal and Concept Note templates following best practices of international development organizations.
  • Draft an Annual Report template for ACMECS Interim Secretariat (AIS).
  • Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the training using appropriate tools and indicators.
  • Provide post-training support and follow-up to ensure the application of the learned skills and knowledge in the workplace.
  1. Deliverables and Timeline

The consultancy firm will be required to submit the following deliverables:

  • A training needs assessment report that outlines the findings and recommendations for the training design and delivery.
  • A training curriculum and materials covering each module’s content and objectives.
  • A training report that summarizes the activities, outcomes, feedback, and lessons learned from each training session.
  • A post-training support and follow-up plan that specifies the methods, frequency, and duration of the support and follow-up activities.
  • MI Training Report template.
  • Guideline and procedure for internal protocol and communication in MI.
  • MI Annual Report template.
  • MI Semi-annual and Annual Performance Reports’ templates.
  • Annual Report template for ACMECS Interim Secretariat (AIS).
  • Proposal and Concept Note templates.
  • An evaluation report that measures the impact and effectiveness of the training using quantitative and qualitative data.
  1. Qualifications

The consultancy firm should have:

  • At least five years of experience in providing training on policy formulation, strategic planning, and coordination; communication strategy; and proposal and report writing skill.
  • A team of qualified trainers who have relevant academic qualifications and professional experience in the above-mentioned areas.
  • A proven track record of delivering high-quality training that meets the needs and expectations of the clients.
  • A sound understanding of the context and challenges faced by the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), existing regional cooperation frameworks/mechanisms, and relevant stakeholders.
  1. Evaluation Criteria

Technical Evaluation (70%)

  • Qualification of the Individual (20%)

Assesses the consultant’s academic qualifications, previous work experience, and level of expertise in the field. Special consideration is given to experience with climate-smart agricultural practices.

  • Experience with Similar Assignments (20%)

Evaluates the applicant’s prior experience in creating similar training programs, particularly regarding climate-smart practices.

  • Methodology and Approach (30%)

Evaluates the consultant’s proposed methodology, ensuring a clear understanding of the project goal, and innovative and effective approaches to the process.

Financial Evaluation (30%)

  • Budget Appropriateness (15%)

Assesses the fairness, competitiveness, and completeness of the submitted budget.

  • Cost-effectiveness (15%)

Evaluates if the proposed budget provides value for money, considering the credentials of the consultant and the scope of the project.

The scores of the technical and financial evaluations will be combined to determine the most competitive candidate. Applicants must score at least 70% on the technical evaluation to advance to the financial evaluation.

  1. Bidding and Submission Date

Bidders should submit a proposal in response to the Terms of Reference. The proposal should be submitted in two separate parts: (A) Technical and (B) Financial components.

Technical Component

The Technical component should present the following information:

  1. A brief discussion indicating the bidder’s understanding of the assignment;
  2. A methodological discussion of how the bidder proposes to implement the assignment;
  3. A detailed work plan that specifies:
    • activities to be undertaken
    • expected outputs and deliverables
    • resources to be utilized and timing
    • CVs of the experts
    • Examples of relevant past work (hyperlinked or presented as an annex to the proposal)

Financial Component

The bidder should specify professional fees for the expert/s and corresponding deliverables.

Submission of Bid

Applicants should send their application with a cover letter, the materials specified above, and other supporting documents via email to procurement@mekonginstitute.org, copy to halimur@mekonginstitute.org no later than 15 March 2024 at 05:00 pm Bangkok time (GMT +7).

Please also indicate in the email subject line: “Design, develop, and deliver capacity-building training for the staff of Mekong Institute.”



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